Sunday, February 28, 2010


Looks like the ferry loads tomorrow night at midnight. We should arrive in Puerto Montt 8 am Wed and could be in Osorno around noon. Ferry will charge us some $300 for the car and charges vary for us. Depends on what's available and how much we want to spend. Anything from a bus type seat to a small room with actual bunks. We will spend 2 nights on the boat if we go that route.


as I write this they are sacking the supermarkets in Concepcion. There will be little to no food or supplies when we arrive.



Rhonda and I have been asked to travel to Concepcion (near the epicenter) and take a team from Convoy of Hope.  We will see if we can take the ferry or have to drive through Argentina to get there.


La alcaldesa de Concepción dice que el mayor problema que enfrenta la ciudad es el desabastecimiento que hay en las casas, ya que al ser fin de mes la gente no tenía alimentos y los supermercados están cerrados. Incluso dijo que si la situación no se soluciona a la brevedad podría haber un estallido social. Afirma que ...desde Santiago no ha llegado ayuda, lo que calificó como una vergüenza,

The mayor of Concepcion says the major problem facing the city is shortages in the homes.  Since it is the end of the month most homes were already low on food and now supermarkets are closed.  She added that if the situation isn't resolved quickly there could be serious social problems.  She assures that no help has arrived from Santiago which is shameful. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Please know that Rhonda and I are fine.  The only thing that happened here was that we lost electricity for a couple hours and internet and phone service has been off and on.  I do expect some interruption in supplies to our area so I went to the gas station and filled up the car and a 40 gal. barrel.  The government was saying not to do that as there was plenty of gas but I went anyway.  About 2 hours later we hear they are now rationing gas.
We are looking at the possibility of traveling north to help out in the affected area if we are needed.  I'll try to keep you posted.


3:30 AM today Chile experienced a major earthquake.  They are talking of 8.5 on the Richter that lasted some 2 minutes.  Damage is extensive and hundreds of thousands homeless.  I will try to keep posting information as I can.  In the meantime here's a link to look at some photos:

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Throne

Thought you might like the bathroom in our hotel room in Punta Arenas.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Baptism Aysén

Last week the church here in Puerto Aysén had a baptism.  We all went up the canyon about 25 miles from town and spend the day in fellowship and fun.  Here's some photos I took to help you get an idea of how our day went: