Thursday, October 14, 2010

70 days

Raul Bustos lost his job in Talcahuano when a tsunami destroyed his place of work at the end of April.  He moved to Copiapo to find work in the mining industry and August 5 entered the San Jose mine to fix a truck.  Yesterday, after 70 days he, along with 32 others, ended the longest work shift in Chilean history.

It's not often that good news captures the worlds attention and even rarer that good news captures the medias attention like this story has.

Last night everyone in Chile and many around the world celebrated as 33 men were given another chance at life!  At 10pm, as the last miner was hoisted to the surface, every siren and church bell in Chile sounded, horns honked, and people shouted and waved flags.  It was a great moment and an event that will be engraved in Chilean history.

Many of the miners wore a t-shirt over their coverall that says it pretty good:  "Thank you Lord!"

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