Thursday, May 13, 2010

Puerto Cisnes

We arrived after only 2 hours 40 minutes of driving.  We can’t believe how fast it is now.  After so many years of driving between 4 and 5 hours to get there now driving the 112 miles in a little over 2.5 hours is great.  Pavement really does help!  I think there is only 20 miles left unpaved on the trip.
Sunday I shared a message to a very full house!  There were 22 in attendance which is great for Puerto Cisnes! There were just no chairs left and one guy sat on the steps to upstairs and seemed to tape much of the service with a camcorder.  We had a good service and a number of people dedicated themselves more fully to the Lord.
Enové came by the house today while he was town and told me that the guy who taped the service broadcast the whole thing on the local TV channel.  I think it’s funny that they even have a TV channel and teased Enové that probably no one saw it anyway.  He said that actually many people watch it and someone contacted Enové’s wife (Ximena) after watching the sermon and she led them to the Lord and they plan on coming to church Sunday!  Someone else wants to get the tape to the island of Chiloe and show it there.
I guess it goes to show that we never know who will be touched by what we share!  Even long after we’ve shared it.

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